About Jen

Eczema Since Age 2.

Philly Girl & Single Mom.


TSW Champ.

About Jennifer

Eczema Since Age 2.

Philly Girl & Single Mom.


TSW Champ.

Donec Pellentesque

Donec Pellentesque


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras in fringilla turpis, eu consequat ante. Donec pellentesque, est non condimentum posuere, eros elit bibendum turpis, vel luctus elit erat in justo.

Hey. I'm Jen!

The pic down below is me, May 2023. 17 months into Topical Steroid Withdrawal and doing SO MUCH better! But... it has not always looked this good. This has ben the hardest journey I've ever been on. EVER.

Let me take you back a bit to the beginning. I'm sure there will be many things you can relate to, and, if you are seeing this page at the very first days of your own withdrawal journey, please, do not let this instill fear in you or depressive thoughts... I'm here to provide hope. My goal in sharing my story, and the stories of other TSW warriors, is to provide resources and guidance to our community, and, hopefully, spread awareness that will one day put an end to this miserable and preventable condition once and for all.

Hey. I'm Jen.

The pic over there to the left is me in May 2023. 17 months into Topical Steroid Withdrawal and doing MUCH better! But... it has not been an easy road, in fact, it's been the hardest journey I've ever been on. Let me take you back a bit to the beginning. I'm sure there will be many things you can relate to, and, if you are seeing this page at the very first days of your own withdrawal journey, please, do not let this instill fear in you or depressive thoughts... I'm here to provide hope. My goal in sharing my story, and the stories of other TSW warriors, is to provide resources and guidance to our community, and, hopefully, spread awareness that will one day put an end to this miserable and preventable condition once and for all.

Age 2:

The Childhood Eczema Diagnosis

Age 2: The Childhood Eczema Diagnosis

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IV Ozone Blood Therapy

May 22, 20234 min read

Exploring the Healing Benefits of IV Ozone Blood Therapy

I tried 3 treatments of IV Ozone Blood Therapy to help me heal my TSW. Here was what I learned and my experience!

Let's Explore Even More In This Blog About Ozone Blood Therapy!

In recent years, alternative therapies have gained significant attention as people seek innovative and holistic approaches to wellness. One such therapy that has captured interest is IV blood ozone therapy. Although ozone has long been recognized for its potential dangers, when administered responsibly and under medical supervision, it has shown promising health benefits. In this article, we will explore the potential advantages of IV ozone blood therapy and its impact on various health conditions.

What is IV Ozone Blood Therapy?

IV ozone blood therapy is a medical procedure that involves the administration of ozone gas intravenously. Ozone, a naturally occurring gas composed of three oxygen atoms, is known for its strong oxidizing properties. It can be created by passing medical-grade oxygen through a high-voltage electrical charge, resulting in a reaction that produces ozone gas. This gas is then carefully infused into the bloodstream of a patient using a sterile medical device.

The Benefits of IV Ozone Blood Therapy

  • Enhancing Oxygenation and Circulation: One of the primary benefits of IV ozone therapy is its ability to enhance oxygenation and circulation in the body. Ozone has been found to stimulate the production of red blood cells and increase the flexibility of cell membranes, improving the flow and delivery of oxygen to tissues and organs. By increasing oxygen levels, IV ozone blood therapy can support cellular metabolism, strengthen the immune system, and promote overall vitality.

  • Boosting Immune Function: A robust immune system is vital for defending the body against infections, diseases, and chronic conditions. IV ozone blood therapy has shown potential in enhancing immune function. Ozone has antimicrobial properties and has been reported to target bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Additionally, it stimulates the production of immune cells, such as cytokines and interferons, which play a crucial role in regulating immune responses. By bolstering the immune system, IV ozone blood therapy may contribute to improved defense mechanisms and disease resistance.

  • Reducing Chronic Inflammation: Chronic inflammation is a common underlying factor in various health conditions, including autoimmune diseases, arthritis, and cardiovascular disorders. IV ozone blood therapy has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects by modulating the release of pro-inflammatory molecules and promoting the production of anti-inflammatory substances. By reducing chronic inflammation, ozone blood therapy may potentially alleviate symptoms and improve the overall well-being of individuals living with inflammatory conditions.

  • Pain Management and Tissue Repair: Chronic pain can significantly impact an individual's quality of life. IV ozone blood therapy has demonstrated potential as a non-pharmacological approach to pain management. Ozone's ability to increase oxygenation and circulation can enhance tissue repair and regeneration. Furthermore, ozone therapy may activate the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, offering relief from chronic pain. Many individuals have reported reduced pain levels and improved mobility following IV ozone blood therapy.

  • Detoxification and Cellular Health: The build-up of toxins in the body can impair various physiological processes and contribute to the development of chronic illnesses. IV ozone blood therapy has been suggested as a potential detoxification tool. Ozone stimulates the activity of enzymes responsible for detoxification pathways and promotes the elimination of toxins. By supporting cellular health and detoxification, ozone therapy may contribute to improved overall well-being.


While IV ozone blood therapy is a promising alternative therapy, it is important to note that it should only be administered by qualified healthcare professionals in appropriate clinical settings. As with any medical intervention, individual responses may vary, and thorough assessment and consultation with a healthcare provider are essential. Further research is necessary to fully understand the mechanisms and effectiveness of IV ozone blood therapy. However, preliminary evidence suggests that it may offer several potential health benefits, including enhanced oxygenation, immune support, inflammation reduction, pain management, and detoxification. As the field of alternative therapies continues to evolve, IV ozone blood therapy remains an intriguing area for exploration in pursuit

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Jennifer Powers

Jennifer Powers is a Blogger, Podcaster, Speaker, Entrepreneur and TSW Advocate

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