About Jen

Eczema Since Age 2.

Philly Girl & Single Mom.


TSW Champ.

About Jennifer

Eczema Since Age 2.

Philly Girl & Single Mom.


TSW Champ.

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Donec Pellentesque


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras in fringilla turpis, eu consequat ante. Donec pellentesque, est non condimentum posuere, eros elit bibendum turpis, vel luctus elit erat in justo.

Hey. I'm Jen!

The pic down below is me, May 2023. 17 months into Topical Steroid Withdrawal and doing SO MUCH better! But... it has not always looked this good. This has ben the hardest journey I've ever been on. EVER.

Let me take you back a bit to the beginning. I'm sure there will be many things you can relate to, and, if you are seeing this page at the very first days of your own withdrawal journey, please, do not let this instill fear in you or depressive thoughts... I'm here to provide hope. My goal in sharing my story, and the stories of other TSW warriors, is to provide resources and guidance to our community, and, hopefully, spread awareness that will one day put an end to this miserable and preventable condition once and for all.

Hey. I'm Jen.

The pic over there to the left is me in May 2023. 17 months into Topical Steroid Withdrawal and doing MUCH better! But... it has not been an easy road, in fact, it's been the hardest journey I've ever been on. Let me take you back a bit to the beginning. I'm sure there will be many things you can relate to, and, if you are seeing this page at the very first days of your own withdrawal journey, please, do not let this instill fear in you or depressive thoughts... I'm here to provide hope. My goal in sharing my story, and the stories of other TSW warriors, is to provide resources and guidance to our community, and, hopefully, spread awareness that will one day put an end to this miserable and preventable condition once and for all.

Age 2:

The Childhood Eczema Diagnosis

Age 2: The Childhood Eczema Diagnosis

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What Is Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome?

May 18, 20223 min read

Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome: This Is NOT Just Eczema...

Topical steroid withdrawal syndrome (TSWS) is a very real condition. If you've been wondering if your eczema is more than just eczema, chances are, you may right. When no one gives you answers and you are frustrated that it seems like no one understands... we are here to let you know that you are not alone, you're not crazy, and your intuition and body are trying to tell you something. Trust that.

So What Is TSW?

Topical steroid withdrawal syndrome (TSWS) is a condition that affects individuals who have used topical steroids for prolonged periods of time. TSWS occurs when the body becomes dependent on the steroid and experiences a rebound effect when the medication is discontinued. The condition is also known as Red Skin Syndrome (RSS) or Topical Steroid Addiction (TSA). In this blog post, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for TSWS.

What Are The Causes of Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome?

Topical and oral steroids are commonly used to treat skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis. These medications work by reducing inflammation and irritation in the affected area. However, prolonged use of topical steroids can cause the body to become dependent on the medication, leading to TSWS.

Symptoms of Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome

The symptoms of TSWS can vary in severity and may include:

  • Red, inflamed skin

  • Burning sensations

  • INTENSE itching and scratching

  • Skin peeling, flaking or shedding

  • Swelling

  • Dryness or cracking

  • Blisters or oozing sores

  • Mood changes, depression and anxiety

  • Insomnia or sleep disturbances

  • ... and more...

The symptoms of TSWS can be extremely distressing and may significantly impact an individual's quality of life.

Treatment for Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome

First and foremost, you must discontinue the use of topical/oral steroids! Some suggest slowly tapering off of the drugs, while others (like myself) just quit them cold turkey once learning about this iatrogenic condition caused by them. As always, check in with yourself and any medical professionals that you trust and may be working closely with.

During the withdrawal period, moisturizing creams or ointments may be used to soothe the skin and alleviate symptoms. It is important to avoid scratching or picking at the affected area, as this can lead to infection and scarring.

In some cases, other medications such as antihistamines may be prescribed to alleviate symptoms. However, these medications should be used with caution, as they can also have side effects and may not be effective in all cases...

In severe cases of TSWS, hospitalization may be necessary to manage symptoms and provide supportive care.

Preventing Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome

Chances are, if you're reading this because you searched the internet for what was causing your symptoms, then it may be that you already are going through withdrawal, so now it would be about healing. If you are a parent or someone looking up the potential side effects of steroid medications before starting them, well, what I'd like to do now is scream "DON'T!!!!!".... but as always, everyone has to do what is best for them, just please please please do your research and avoid using them if possible! There are MANY ways to heal our bodies with alternative medicines without these catastrophic side effects.

For More Information, Please Check Out This Blog, The Podcast Or Our Resources Page For Helpful Information!

And Remember....

You Are NOT Alone & You WILL Heal.

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TSWTopical Steroid Withdrawal SyndromeTopical Steroid Withdrawalwhat is topical steroid withdrawal
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Jennifer Powers

Jennifer Powers is a Blogger, Podcaster, Speaker, Entrepreneur and TSW Advocate

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